Thursday, August 21, 2008

I have been detained... the narcissistic Internet fad of deluding myself into believing that my thoughts are of some great importance that others would wish to share in them, lest their lives be just that much less fulfilling.

How ironic that I can identify this fact yet still willingly sit here and type away...

As this is my first blog I don't know what I will be blogging about, be prepared for some undertones of insanity. Of course, some of the greatest realizations came from free thought, hence the title of this log. So, you might get lucky and witness some cursory brilliance in this text that hints at a great thought from an average mind that could change the world if only it weren't confined to a few lines of text within a sea of electronic babbling. Or you may waste a lot of time reading my hipnotic ramblings. Sigh...

Well, if you are here voluntarily, I pity you and hope you have both patience and a sense of humor. If you are here because you know me and want to know what I'm thinking I must ask: are you INSANE?!?! Oh, well! For either circumstance, thank you for your interest and I hope I cause some spark of thought where you didn't realize there was dry timber waiting to burst into flame. :)


Unknown said...


Welcome to insanity, my bro! It only gets worse from here...

This is so cool, can I link you on my blog? You're way too highbrow for most of my readers (I mean, hel-LO, they read ME) but I would so love to pimp your blog!

Say yes!

Does Mom know you do this? 'Cause she and G'ma are tenacious readers. I drop the f*bomb all the time, but I can't shake 'em. ;)

John said...

Yes of course you can, no they don't but they will when I decide how serious I am about it, and I'll likely be joining you in the ranks of culturally modern linguists once in a while when I feel like ranting (in other words, I'll more than likely out curse even you!).

Kathy Rogers said...

Little brother or big brother? I gots to know.