Friday, August 22, 2008

Happy 5th Anniversary Angel!

Ladies and gentlemen, you will not find any cynicism on this posting. I apologize if this disappoints anyone but this is one category of my life that has never and will never be open to doubts or pessimism.

I love being married to my wife, period.

I am not without my share of issues and backstory (ask my sister - no, wait, don't, that could get ugly) but in this I am truly happy. I'm just blessed to be in love with her! I could not have asked for more: when I need her most, she is there; when she needs me most, I am at my best; she always can make me laugh, take away my pain, calm my fears, or provide stimulating conversation on topics spiritual, moral or social; we can be lazy together, or go on an adventure kyaking or hiking; we can be creative together; we can teach each other; it's our dream to work together professionally or writing fiction novels; when she hurts my world crumbles; when she smiles, the universe lights up; and so on, and so on.

I don't come from a family of successful relationships. So, the fact that mine has lasted through 7 years, 14,000 miles of separation for a year, relocation, financial issues, college, the Army, and a kalidescope of other challenges makes it that much more amazing.

My parents are amazing people who turned out to not be right for each other. That was hard for me and probably harder for them, but I thank them for helping shape me into the kind of person who is fully compatible with my wife, who deserves a woman like her.

And to you my Angel, thank you for loving me like you do. Every morning when I put your ring on and ask you to marry me, I know it comes off as a joke and that's okay, but truly it is from the bottom of my heart and backed by my entire soul. All the things in my life that ever made me unhappy when I experienced them I would not change, because it all led me to you and that's what makes me smile when I wake up next to you.

Tomorrow we're going to Monterey for the weekend and I cannot wait! Yes, there will be pictures!! Goodnight.


Unknown said...

Happy Anniversary, and I can't believe I just read that entire post without gagging. You have Randy to thank for that.

I doubt that you'll get this before you leave, but if you do, try and make it to an English-style pub in Monterey called The Crown and Anchor. Their food is SOOO yummy and the atmosphere gives you the warm fuzzies. Or maybe that was their beer. Whatever. Just go, you won't regret it!

Kathy Rogers said...


Leslie said...

Happy Anniversary!