Thursday, May 12, 2011

Let's try this again...

WOW, how I miss blogging!! It was SO therapeutic was to scatter my thoughts out onto an e-canvas and paint a picture with words!

Then I stopped and I'm not sure why...

Someone recently told me I should start a blog of my rants and I thought, "Hey, I have already it's - oh, right..."

Well, I'm back (for real this time...I hope...) and will be trying to get back to the original point of this blog, amorphous conceptualization, the shapeless thinking of anything and everything.

I can't promise you entertainment; all I can promise you is my honest reflections on life. And cursing. Lots of cursing. Occasionally, even something sweet, like this:

To my loving wife and daughter, I love you both!

Okay, let's get this party started! What's that? Oh, yeah, I'm a Daddy now! She's about a year and a half old, beautiful, rambunctious, adorable, nosy, and absolutely one of the most amazing miracles I've ever experienced. My lady and I have had an interesting first year with our little Mooshie (that's Persian for "Mousey"), and it only gets more and more interesting. But, as frustrating as it can be, it can be a thousand times more rewarding and amazing!

I'm sure being a new Dad will provide me plenty to blog about too...

1 comment:

PurpleWings said...

Yay! I'm jumping in the deep end with you!!!! Can't wait to read your thoughts, because I know they will make me laugh...or smile..or think...or say "I married this guy?" Love you! <3